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隧道与地下工程灾害防治  2020, Vol. 2 Issue (1): 42-52    
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1. 浩吉(蒙西华中)铁路股份有限公司, 北京 100073;2. 延安大学建筑工程学院, 陕西 延安 716000
Construction management and technological innovation of Haoji Heavy Haul Railway Tunnel
SHEN Zhijun1,2, PI Sheng1*
1. HaoJi(Mengxi-Huazhong)Railway Co., Ltd., Beijing 100073, China;
2. Architectural Engineering Institute, Yanan University, Yanan 716000, Shaanxi, China
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摘要 结合浩吉铁路隧道建设过程中的一系列探索和实践,建设管理方面,介绍施工图现场核对与优化、变更设计、班组长工程质量责任制、监控量测、隧道工装设备应用等主要管理举措,为安全快速做好隧道工程建设提供制度支撑;设计优化方面,介绍隧道结构内轮廓、仰拱结构型式、辅助坑道支护结构等参数优化,确保隧道支护结构安全、工程造价合理;技术创新方面,介绍初期支护钢架型式、初期支护组合形式、复合式衬砌结构、限阻器新型初支结构、大断面马蹄形盾构等,通过科研试验研究,有效保障隧道支护结构更加科学合理。上述管理举措、设计优化、技术创新等成果可为今后隧道工程建设提供参考和借鉴。
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关键词:  重载铁路隧道  建设管理  技术创新  设计优化    
Abstract: Based on a series of exploration and practice in the process of tunnel construction of Haoji railway, the management measures about onsite check and optimization of construction drawings, change design, headmans responsibility system for project quality, monitoring measurement, and application of tunnel tooling equipment were presented. These measures could provide system support for the construction of the tunnel project safely and rapidly. In the aspect of design optimization, design parameters optimization about the inner contour of tunnel structure, the type of inverted arch structure and the supporting structure of auxiliary tunnel were introduced. These optimization measures could ensure the safety of tunnel supporting structure and the rationality of project cost. In the aspect of technical innovation, the type of steel frame of initial support, combination form of initial support, the type of composite lining structure, new type of initial support structure of resistance limiter, and large section horseshoe shield were introduced. Moreover, the scientificity and rationality of the tunnel support structure were guaranteed effectively through scientific research and experimental research. The above mentioned management measures, design optimizations, technological innovations can provide reference for tunnel construction in the future.
Key words:  heavy-haul railway tunnel    construction management    technological innovation    design optimization
                    发布日期:  2020-07-07      期的出版日期:  2020-03-20
中图分类号:  U45  
基金资助: 蒙华重载铁路隧道建造技术研究资助项目(K2018G059)
作者简介:  申志军(1971— ),男,河南杞县人,正高级工程师,延安大学特聘教授,主要研究方向为隧道工程建设与科研. *通信作者简介:皮圣(1990— ),男,湖南湘乡人,工程师,主要研究方向为隧道与地下工程建设.
申志军,皮圣. 浩吉重载铁路隧道建设管理与技术创新[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2020, 2(1): 42-52.
SHEN Zhijun, PI Sheng. Construction management and technological innovation of Haoji Heavy Haul Railway Tunnel. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2020, 2(1): 42-52.
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