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隧道与地下工程灾害防治  2020, Vol. 2 Issue (4): 59-64    
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1. 南昌轨道交通集团有限公司, 江西 南昌 330013;2. 华东交通大学江西省岩土工程基础设施安全与控制重点实验室, 江西 南昌 330013
Reinforcement scheme based on large deformation of a pile-anchored enclosure structure
HE Sijin1, ZHAO Yixing2*, ZHANG Huipeng1, RAO Kai1, YUAN Congcong2, SHI Yufeng1,2
1. Nanchang Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China;
2. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering Infrastructure Safety and Control, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China
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摘要 景德镇某基坑地层主要以卵石、灰岩为主,为满足施工作业空间和施工进度要求,原设计方案采用桩锚式围护结构。在基坑的开挖过程中,围护结构出现较大变形,威胁工程安全,需采取相关措施进行防护。对围护结构发生较大变形的可能原因进行初步分析,结果表明:围护结构发生较大变形是预应力锚索失效导致。提出施作局部主体结构加临时内撑的解决方案,并通过有限元数值方法,模拟原有围护桩及改进方案后支护效果。研究表明:采用改进方案,围护桩变形及弯矩得到有效控制,满足相应监控量测预警值要求,可为相关工程提供借鉴。
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关键词:  桩锚支护  较大变形  有限元  内支撑  位移    
Abstract: The stratum of a certain foundation pit in Jingdezhen is mainly pebble and limestone. In order to meet the requirements of construction operation space and construction schedule, the original design plan adopts a pile-anchored enclosure structure. During the excavation of the foundation pit, the enclosure structure was deformed greatly, threatening the safety of the project, and relevant measures need to be taken for protection. The possible causes of the larger deformation of the retaining structure, and the results showed that the larger deformation of the retaining structure was caused by the failure of the prestressed anchor cable. In view of the current situation, a solution of constructing a local main structure with temporary internal bracing was proposed, and the finite element numerical method was used to simulate the support effect of the original retaining pile and the improved plan. The research showed that the improved scheme could effectively control the deformation and bending moment of the retaining pile, and met the requirements of the corresponding monitoring and measuring early warning value, which could provide reference for related projects.
Key words:  pile-anchor support    large deformation    finite element    internal support    displacement
                    发布日期:  2021-02-25      期的出版日期:  2020-12-20
中图分类号:  TU94  
作者简介:  贺斯进(1971— ),男,四川乐至人,学士,教授级高级工程师,主要研究方向为城市轨道交通. *通信作者简介:赵一行(1996— ),男,河南三门峡人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为隧道工程.
贺斯进,赵一行,张慧鹏,饶凯,袁聪聪,石钰锋. 基于某桩锚式围护结构大变形加固方案[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2020, 2(4): 59-64.
HE Sijin, ZHAO Yixing, ZHANG Huipeng, RAO Kai, YUAN Congcong, SHI Yufeng. Reinforcement scheme based on large deformation of a pile-anchored enclosure structure. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2020, 2(4): 59-64.
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