Abstract: Contact detection and computation efficiency has always been the key problem of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis(3D-PEDDA), which is one of the most powerful numerical methods. Contact detection suffers from low efficiency, contact indeterminacy, and the incapability to deal with concave blocks. The efficiency of the entire DDA program is also one of the most crucial bottlenecks. This paper introduced the multi-cover method and the last entrance plane method to deal with lacking of efficiency and indeterminacy of contact detection, as well as the local convex decomposition method for concave polyhedron. In addition, in order to improve the computational efficiency, 3D explicit DDA was adapted to unify data reading and writing mode, and parallelized by adding precompile instructions. In order to expand to high-performance cloud computing and supercomputers, the new 3D-PEDDA programs were all developed on Linux system, and preliminary experiments were carried out on a simple cloud virtual machine. Numerical examples verified the efficiency and accuracy of the newly developed parallel 3D-PEDDA, and it is promising that it can be easily extended to high-performance virtual machines or supercomputers to realize the analysis of large-scale projects.
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