Key design techniques of the north extension project of Jinan Jiluo Road Yellow River Tunnel
ZHONG Jianmin1, ZHANG Liangliang2,3*, HE Yingdao2,3, LUO Chiheng2,3, XIONG Yifan2,3, WANG Chao4
1. Jinan City Construction Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250014, Shandong, China; 2. China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, Hubei, China; 3. National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Underwater Tunnelling Technology, Wuhan 430063, Hubei, China; 4. Large Shield Engineering Co., Ltd., China Railway 14th Bureau Group, Nanjing 211899, Jiangsu, China
Abstract: With in-depth implementation on ecological protection and high-quality development strategy in the Yellow River Basin, the development of the crossing tunnel in Shandong Province has become urgent, requiring solutions for the challenges of rail-and-road combined construction and security guarantees. Through engineering analogy, modeling, and numerical testing methods, and considering the surrounding environmental protection and hydrogeological characteristics, key design techniques and risk control measures for the Jinan Jiluo Road Yellow River North Extension Tunnel had been summarized and analyzed. The results showed that the application of collaborative evacuation technology and a comprehensive ventilation system enabled a more efficient shield tunnel design. And the adoption of a “segment+non-closed lining” calculation model, segment inter-ring shear structure, and integrated waterproofing methods enhanced the overall stiffness and bearing capacity of the shield tunnel. And the available closing time of the anti-flooding door was calculated, which provided a theoretical basis for the design of the tunnel' santi-flooding system. Additionally, the use of prefabricated internal structures helped control the tunnel's section diameter and accelerated construction speed. On-site monitoring confirmed that construction risks were manageable and the overall design was reasonable and feasible.
钟建敏, 张亮亮, 何应道, 罗驰恒, 熊逸凡, 王超. 济泺路穿黄北延隧道设计关键技术[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2024, 6(4): 72-80.
ZHONG Jianmin, ZHANG Liangliang, HE Yingdao, LUO Chiheng, XIONG Yifan, WANG Chao. Key design techniques of the north extension project of Jinan Jiluo Road Yellow River Tunnel. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2024, 6(4): 72-80.
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