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隧道与地下工程灾害防治  2019, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 1-12    
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1. 陆军勤务学院, 重庆 400041;2. 重庆地质矿产研究院, 重庆 400042
Stability analysis and design method of tunnel surrounding rock
ZHENG Yingren1, WANG Yongfu2
1. Army Logistics University, Chongqing 400041, China;
2. Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chongqing 400042, China
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摘要 提出隧洞稳定性分析存在的问题及其设计的理念与方法,按弹塑性力学原理介绍和提出三种极限分析方法,指出采用数值极限方法是解决隧道设计问题的必由之路,举例说明三种极限分析方法的可信性及其在隧道工程中应用的可行性。为解决隧道稳定分析中的不确定性,提供较为科学合理的围岩力学参数,必须做好理论、勘察和经验相结合的围岩分级工作。以轨道交通隧道围岩分级为例,提升分级的水准与科学性,包括定性与定量分级的协调与优化,强度和完整性指标的改进,区间隧道与车站隧道围岩分级表的制定,以及围岩自稳能力判断与围岩的物理力学参数的确定。提出具有两种洞跨的围岩分级方法,提供较为科学合理的力学参数,提升定量分级的水平。
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关键词:  轨道交通  极限分析法  数值极限分析  隧洞围岩分级  岩体基本质量  围岩力学参数    
Abstract: The problems existing in the stability analysis of tunnels and the design concept and method were put forward, and three limit analysis methods were introduced and put forward according to the principle of elastic-plastic mechanics. It is pointed out that the numerical limit method is the only way to solve the tunnel design problem. The reliability of three limit analysis methods and their feasibility in tunnel engineering are illustrated by examples. In order to solve the uncertainty in tunnel stability analysis and to provide more scientific and reasonable mechanical parameters of surrounding rock, it is necessary to do a good job of surrounding rock classification combining theory, investigation and experience. Taking the surrounding rock classification of rail transit tunnels as an example, the level and scientificity of classification were improved including the coordination and optimization of qualitative and quantitative classification, the improvement of strength and integrity index, the compilation of classification table of surrounding rock of interval tunnel and station tunnel, the judgment of self stability ability of surrounding rock and the determination of physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rock. A classification method with two kinds of tunnel spans is proposed, which provide more scientific and reasonable mechanical parameters and improve the level of quantitative classification method.
Key words:  rail transit    limit analysis method    numerical limit analysis    classification of tunnel surrounding rock    rock mass basic quality    mechanical parameters of surrounding rock
收稿日期:  2019-10-22                出版日期:  2019-12-20      发布日期:  2020-03-09      期的出版日期:  2019-12-20
中图分类号:  U451  
基金资助: 四川省交通厅资助项目(2018-B-04);重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(cstc2018jcyjAX0361);国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFC0806006)
作者简介:  郑颖人. E-mail:
郑颖人, 王永甫. 隧洞围岩稳定分析及其设计方法[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2019, 1(4): 1-12.
ZHENG Yingren, WANG Yongfu. Stability analysis and design method of tunnel surrounding rock. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2019, 1(4): 1-12.
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