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隧道与地下工程灾害防治  2019, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 33-48    
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1. 山东大学齐鲁交通学院, 山东 济南 250002;2. 济南轨道交通集团有限公司, 山东 济南 250000
Research progress of shield/TBM soil conditioning and tail sealing technology
LI Shuchen1, WAN Zeen1, SHANG Jinhua2, ZHAO Shisen1, YANG Xiaodong2, LI Yang1
1. School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China;
2. Jinan Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250000, Shandong, China
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摘要 盾构/TBM施工时存在的排渣困难、刀具磨损、盾尾失效、地表沉降等问题严重影响隧道施工安全和掘进效率,成为当下困扰盾构施工的重要难题,开展渣土改良和盾尾密封技术研究是解决这一系列难题的关键。阐述各类问题发生的原因,在盾构隧道常用施工技术的基础上综述国内外渣土改良与盾尾密封相关技术的研究现状,总结目前的常用施工方法和施工工艺的不足。依托实际工程通过室内试验与现场试验相结合的方法,自主研发高效渣土改良剂、耐磨抑尘剂、高性能盾尾密封油脂、同步注浆充填剂等盾构新型特种材料与配套施工技术,开展理论分析和效果对比试验,解决了盾构/TBM掘进过程的相关技术难题,保障了隧道安全快速施工,为今后高水压复杂环境渣土改良与盾尾密封提供理论基础和技术保障。
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关键词:  盾构/TBM  渣土改良  刀具磨损  盾尾密封  同步注浆    
Abstract: There are many problems during shield/TBM construction, such as the difficulty of muck removal, tool wear, shield tail failure, ground settlement, which seriously affected the safety and efficiency of tunnel construction and become important issues for shield construction at present. The key to solve these problems is to carry out the research on shield/TBM soil conditioning and tail sealing technology. This study described the causes of the above problems. Based on the common construction technology of shield tunnel, this study focused on the current research status of soil conditioning and shield tail sealing technology at home and abroad, and summarized the shortcomings of current common construction methods and construction technology. Relying on the combination of laboratory test and field test, new shield materials and supporting construction technologies were developed, such as high-efficiency soil conditioning agent, anti-dust and wear-resistant agent, high-performance shield tail sealing grease, synchronous grouting filling agent. The theoretical analysis and effect comparison test were carried out to solve the technical problems related to the shield/TBM tunneling process, ensuring the safe and rapid construction of the tunnel, and providing the theoretical basis and technical support for soil conditioning and shield tail sealing in the complex environment with high water pressure in the future.
Key words:  shield/TBM    soil conditioning    tool wear    shield tail sealing    synchronous grouting
收稿日期:  2019-07-01                出版日期:  2019-12-20      发布日期:  2020-03-09      期的出版日期:  2019-12-20
中图分类号:  U231.3  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51879150)
作者简介:  李树忱(1973—),男,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、泰山学者特聘教授,主要研究方向为复杂环境岩土体力学特性与灾害防治.
李树忱,万泽恩,商金华,赵世森,杨晓东,李阳. 盾构/TBM渣土改良与盾尾密封技术研究进展[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2019, 1(4): 33-48.
LI Shuchen, WAN Zeen, SHANG Jinhua, ZHAO Shisen, YANG Xiaodong, LI Yang. Research progress of shield/TBM soil conditioning and tail sealing technology. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2019, 1(4): 33-48.
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