A warning model for underground pipeline damage caused by adjacent excavation
LIN Mingyi1,2, LIU Fang1,2*, KONG Weijun1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract: In order to timely alarm the deformation and damage of underground water supply pipelines under the influence of the stratum deformation caused by the excavation of the adjacent foundation pit, and make up for the deficiencies of the existing municipal pipeline information management platforms in the intelligent early warning service module for the monitoring of adjacent construction disturbances, the theory of the displacement field calculation around the foundation pit and the underground pipeline failure criterion was introduced, based on which, a warning model and the corresponding digital procedure for the damage of deformed underground water supply pipelines utilizing the monitoring data of the foundation pit was established. The corresponding microservice module was developed based on the infrastructure Smart Service System(iS3)independently developed by Tongji University. The real-time deformation estimation and damage warning of underground water supply pipelines near the foundation pit were achieved in an engineering project, which provided a tool for the risk scenario deduction for the safety analysis on underground water supply pipelines in extreme cases.
林明熠, 刘芳, 孔维钧. 临近基坑地下供水管网变形破坏预警模型[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2022, 4(4): 68-78.
LIN Mingyi, LIU Fang, KONG Weijun. A warning model for underground pipeline damage caused by adjacent excavation. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(4): 68-78.
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