Abstract: A large-section rectangular pipe-jacking tunnel in Shenzhen passed through the bridge pile foundation of an interchange ramp with only a distance of 0.8 m, and down-traversed multi-purpose networks for underground pipelines with only a distance of 3 m. Relying on the tunnel project, the design of the segment of the rectangular pipe-jacking tunnels with large sections and the complex condition was studied in detail. A design flow of the design of the segment of the rectangular pipe-jacking tunnels with large sections and a complex condition was proposed. The design elements of the segment configuration of the rectangular pipe-jacking tunnels with large sections were analyzed. The configuration of the segment was designed. Then three working conditions, including the lifting of the segments, the construction pushing condition, and normal service conditions, were assessed using numerical analysis to determine the dimension of the structures. The joints of the segments, longitudinal connections, reserved holes and so on were specially designed considering the properties of the project with large sections, deep-covered soils and high water pressure. Based on the case investigation, contrastive analysis and practical verification, the paper drew the conclusion that the proposed design flow and the design elements were much helpful for the design of the rectangular pipe-jacking tunnels with large sections in complex condition.
马安震, 谭海星, 刘洋, 关少钰. 复杂环境下大断面矩形顶管隧道管节设计[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2023, 5(1): 81-89.
MA Anzhen, TAN Haixing, LIU Yang, GUAN Shaoyu. The design of the segments of rectangular pipe-jacking tunnels with large sections in a complex condition. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2023, 5(1): 81-89.
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