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(中国石油化工集团公司工程部,北京 100728)
Study on the determination method of the "three major elevations" of underground water-sealed cavern
JING Shaodong, DU Yinong
(Engineering Department of China Petrochemical Corporation, Beijing 100728, China)
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摘要 为了研究地下水封洞库设计中设计地下水位高程、水幕系统高程、主洞室高程等“三大高程”的确定方法,依托某洞库工程,本研究从水封效果的角度出发,提出“三大高程”确定方法,并进行水封性评价。分析结果表明:设计地下水位一般取区域性地下水排泄基准面;水幕系统及主洞室的设计高程需要综合考虑水封效果、洞室上方形成的“水盖层”厚度、洞室围岩渗水量等进行确定;参照依托工程建立的计算模型中,设计地下水位高程与水幕系统高程、水幕系统高程与主洞室高程均相差25 m,数值模拟结果表明其具有良好的水封效果,小幅度调整这些参数,也能保证水封性。“三大高程”是洞库设计的关键参数及影响水封性的关键因素,本研究对于洞库设计及水封效果评价具有一定的参考价值。
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关键词:  地下水封洞库  水封效果  三大高程  水幕系统高程  主洞室高程    
Abstract: In order to study the determination methods of "three major elevations" in the design of underground water sealed caverns, including the elevation of the groundwater level, the elevation of the water curtain system, and the elevation of the oil storage caverns, a method for determining the "three major elevations" from the perspective of water sealing effect on the bases of a certain cavern project was proposed. The water sealing evaluation was also conducted. The analysis results indicated that the regional groundwater drainage datum plane can be taken as the design groundwater level. The design elevations of the water curtain system and the main caverns need to be determined based on a comprehensive consideration of the water sealing effect, the thickness of the "water cover layer" formed above the storage caverns, and the amount of inflow toward the caverns from the surrounding rocks. According to the calculation model established based on the cavern project, the elevation of the designed groundwater level was 25 meters above the water curtain system, and the water curtain system was 25 meters above the storage caverns. The numerical simulation results showed that it has a good water sealing effect, and small adjustments to these elevation parameters can also ensure water sealing. The "three major elevations" are both the key parameters in storage caverns design and the key factors affecting water sealing. This study has certain reference value for storage caverns design and water sealing effect evaluation.
Key words:  underground water-sealed cavern    water sealed effect    three major elevations    groundwater curtaining system elevation    main cavern elevation
收稿日期:  2024-05-24      修回日期:  2024-08-18      发布日期:  2024-08-20     
中图分类号:  TU45  
作者简介:  荆少东(1972—),男,山东莱阳人,正高级工程师,博士,主要研究方向为工程地质勘察与岩土工程设计。E-mail:
荆少东, 杜亦农. 地下水封洞库“三大高程”的确定方法研究[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, .
JING Shaodong, DU Yinong. Study on the determination method of the "three major elevations" of underground water-sealed cavern. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 0, (): 1-7.
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