Editor-in-Chief: DU Yanliang 
Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief: LI Shucai 
Sponsor: Shandong University
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Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering (CN37-1516/U; ISSN 2096-5052) is a professional academic journal, governed by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Shandong University. The journal is publicly distributed both domestically and internationally, 4 issues a year.

The journal aims to support the forefront of international academic research, providing a multidisciplinary and open academic exchange platform for professionals, scholars, and graduate students engaged in tunnelling and underground engineering.

The journal focuses on reporting important research findings in the fields of tunnelling and underground engineering worldwide, including progress, hazard prediction and prevention, safety control, informatization, intellectualization, and interdisciplinary research. It also highlights the application of new technologies, methods, equipment, and techniques in tunnelling and underground engineering, so as to promote the exchange of academic theories and innovative ideas within the field.

Statement: Advertisements published in the journal must comply with the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant regulations. All the content of advertisements should be true and lawful, without false or misleading content. All advertising will be discussed and collectively decided by the editorial office at our meetings. The commercial content will be completely separated from academic content. Advertising will not affect the editors' decision to accept manuscripts. In case of potential conflicts of interest, authors, editors and reviewers will disclose the information in accordance with relevant national regulations and guidelines of COPE and ICMJE.


Advertisements are welcome.

Advertisement License No. 鲁广发登字3700005057

Readership: Professionals engaged in tunnel and underground engineering, researchers in relevant universities, research institutions, enterprises and companies


Advertising Scope

1. Introduction and promotion of a company for its survey, design, construction, operation and maintenance;

2. Common equipment and materials for tunneling and underground engineering construction;

3. Instruments, software, and technology related to tunneling and underground engineering construction.



1.Print journal

 Inside cover, inside back cover, back cover, insert page, half page.  



2. WeChat

Title: 隧道与地下工程灾害防治

Account: sydzhfz


2.1 Advertising and promotion:

3 months, 6months, 1 year.

2.1.1 Article

2.1.2 Message


3.Website: http://tunnel.sdujournals.com/ 

3.1. Advertising and promotion:

3 months, 6 months, 1 year.

3.1.1 Article

3.1.2 Message   


4. Package (print journal, WeChat and website)


Print journal

WeChat advertising

Website advertising


Inside cover

3 months

3 months


6 months

6 months


12 months

12 months


Insert page

3 months

3 months


6 months

6 months


12 months

12 months


Back cover

3 months

3 months


6 months

6 months


12 months

12 months


Inside back cover

3 months

3 months


6 months

6 months


12 months

12 months

Please contact the editorial office for the price.

Tel: 0531-88366735



2023-09-11 Visited: 2794
Website Copyright © Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering.
Address: The Editorial Office of "Hazard Control in Tunneling and Underground Engineering" B733, Shandong University Central Campus, 27 Shanda South Road, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China: 250100 Tel: 0531-88366735 E-mail: tunnel@sdu.edu.cn
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