Abstract: To study the stability of the ground during the opening of the rectangular jacking pipe, this paper presented a project of box tunnel in Suzhou, in which a particular case of obstruction clearance was involved. The distribution of the cuttings in the chamber was analyzed and the analytical model for ground stability was established accordingly. Considering the working face was partially supported, the current model was proposed by modifying the traditional silo-wedge model. The residual earth pressure supporting the working face was derived through limit equilibrium analysis. The comparison between the proposed model and traditional model was carried out for verification. The result indicated that the proposed model outperformed the traditional model on ground stability assessing when the width of unsupported area is one-half of the working surface(<i>B/L</i><1/2).
刘维, 俞淼, 吴垠龙, 史培新, 吴奔. 矩形顶管开舱施工过程中地层稳定性分析[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2022, 4(3): 92-98.
LIU Wei, YU Miao, WU Yinlong, SHI Peixin, WU Ben. Formation stability analysis during the opening operation of the box pipe jacking. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(3): 92-98.
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