Abstract: In order to study the damage mechanism of shield segment structure of shield tunnel with small curvature radius, based on practical engineering cases, a fine lining segment model considering segment joints and inter-ring joints was established to reveal the segment damage mechanism in the construction stage of shield tunnels with small curvature radius. The results showed that the axial force, shear force, positive bending moment and Mises stress of the segment all peaked at the inner and outer arch waists when the shield tunnel with small curvature radius was constructed in the turning section. The arch waist position of segments were more likely to be damaged during the excavation process. When the rectification angle of the jack thrust increased, the overall tunnel deviated to the outside. The outer side of the shield tunnel waist was more obviously affected, since the offset of outer arch waist was significantly larger than that of inner arch waist. The numerical simulation was consistent with the field observation of segment damage, which could provide reference for practical engineering.
王智, 刘祥勇, 朱先发, 洪小星, 沈一鸣, 张冰利. 小曲率半径隧道施工对盾构管片结构影响[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2023, 5(1): 45-54.
WANG Zhi, LIU Xiangyong, ZHU Xianfa, HONG Xiaoxing, SHEN Yiming, ZHANG Bingli. Influence of small curvature radius tunnel construction on shield segment structure. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2023, 5(1): 45-54.
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