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  20 June 2019, Volume 1 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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Construction concepts and key technologies for tunnel and underground engineering—a celebration of main academic thoughts and achievements of Academician WANG Mengshu   Collect
TAN Zhongsheng
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 1-6.  
Abstract ( 804 )     PDF (543KB) ( 632 )  
The main academic thoughts and achievements of Academician Mengshu Wang in the tunnel and underground engineering were summarized. The new Austrian tunnelling method(NATM)was introduced and innovated, and successfully applied in Dayaoshan Tunnel and thus forming the shotcrete anchor construction method of railway, breaking through the outdated tunnel construction technologies, which had milestone significance in the history of tunnel development. The shallow underground excavation method for the urban subway engineering was established, which changed the construction status of subway construction that must be “open cut” from the ground, and could effectively protect the safety of the building structures and promote the rapid development of urban subway construction. In terms of undersea tunnel construction, the determination method of minimum roof thickness and design value of hydraulic pressure of the tunnel were established, and the waterproof and drainage technology and corresponding key construction technologies of undersea tunnel were put forward, all of which could provide technical support for the construction of the first undersea 2019年 - 第1卷第2期 谭忠盛:隧道与地下工程建设理念及关键技术——记王梦恕院士的主要学术思想和科研成就 \=-tunnel in China. A new mode of tunnel construction by TBM+ drilling and blasting method was put forward, and the auxiliary tunnelling technologies were established, compression concrete shield with a diameter of 7.3 m cutter head was firstly developed in China, which promoted the nationalization of shield. For the complexity of geology and environment in our country, the construction concept and basic principle of tunnel and underground engineering were put forward. Academician WANG Mengshus academic thoughts and scientific research contributions have had a profound impact on the development of the discipline, and has made a significant historical contribution in promoting the development of tunnel and underground engineering technology in China.
Development status of mining engineering discipline in China and discussion on issues of its further development   Collect
SONG Zhenqi
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 7-12.  
Abstract ( 724 )     PDF (4461KB) ( 664 )  
The outstanding achievements of fully mechanized(top coal caving)mining, backfilling mining, marine mining and non-chain-pillar mining in China were introduced. The scientific connotation of practical pressure control theory as well as its application and development in coal mass resource mining and disaster pre-control were also clarified clearly. Based on the current statu of coal resources exploitation, the establishment of the model or theory of prediction and control decision on the important disaster in coal mines is the fundament for its effective control, thus achieving the 2019年 - 第1卷第2期宋振骐:我国采矿工程学科发展现状及其深层次发展问题的探讨 \=-development of coal mine disasters pre-control from qualitative to quantitative. And further it also contributes to the accomplishment of the informatization, intelligent and visualization of decision-making and monitoring in coal mining engineering.
A summary of research on disaster prevention, evacuation and evacuation in high-speed railway tunnels   Collect
WANG Mingnian, YU Li, LI Qi, WANG Xu
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 13-23.  
Abstract ( 649 )     PDF (9666KB) ( 85 )  
With the rapid development of high-speed railways, the number of long tunnel and large-scale tunnel groups in western mountainous regions has increased, and railway tunnels have gradually expanded to cities and underwater regions. High-speed trains with large traffic volume and high speed require high operational safety. Once disasters occur, the requirements of rapid evacuation and rescue should be met. Due to the requirements of evacuation and rescue, the rational design of the disaster prevention and evacuation rescue project within the tunnel is extremely important for the safe 2019年 - 第1卷第2期王明年,等:高速铁路隧道防灾疏散救援技术研究综述 \=-operation of the high-speed rail. The disaster prevention and evacuation rescue technology in high-speed railway tunnels was studied based on theoretical analysis, model test and numerical simulation. The following results were obtained. First, the design concept of disaster prevention and evacuation was clarified for single-hole double-track and double-hole single-track railway tunnels under fire and non-fire accidents. Second, the structural form of disaster prevention and evacuation facilities for railway tunnels was clarified. The structure and design parameters of longitudinal evacuation corridors at rescue stations, shaft emergency exits, shaft-type shelters, cross-aisle and underwater tunnels were put forward. Third, formulation of exhaust fume calculation formulas and various types of disaster prevention evacuation under fire accidents in railway tunnels facilities control methods, smoke control standards and fan configuration were given. Fourth, the safety evacuation time control standard for railway tunnel personnel was proposed, the calculation formula of evacuation time was deduced based on behavior model and hydraulic model, and the maximum overload number of each type of train in all types of disaster prevention and evacuation facilities were given. The research results could give reference and have guiding significance for the design of disaster prevention and evacuation rescue projects for high-speed railway tunnels.
The status, problems and countermeasures of typical disaster prevention and control methods during the construction period of Chinese railway tunnels   Collect
TIAN Siming, ZHAO Yong, SHI Shaoshuai, HU Jie
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 24-48.  
Abstract ( 946 )     PDF (22889KB) ( 316 )  
The construction of railway projects in China is still in the ascendant, and the construction of tunnel projects under complex geological conditions will face more and more challenges. Seven typical engineering disasters during the construction period of railway tunnels were introduced including water inrush, collapse, large deformation, rock burst, harmful gas, high ground temperature and frost damage. According to the types of disasters, a preliminary summary of each disaster case was given. In addition, for some typical disaster prevention and control cases in recent years, the disaster occurrence process, disaster mechanism and specific disposal methods were introduced detailedly to provide reference for future similar project disaster prevention and control. On the basis of summing up the experience and lessons learned from disaster prevention and control of railway tunnels, it was suggested that future disaster prevention and control should focus on the following areas, emphasis on the macro geological analysis of the tunnel site area, development 2019年 - 第1卷第2期田四明,等:中国铁路隧道建设期典型灾害防控方法现状、问题与对策 \=-of comprehensive advanced geological forecasting technologies, improvement of tunnel disaster monitoring and early warning systems, and improvement of the level of disaster risk information management and control, development of large-scale mechanized supporting construction, and reinforcement of the safety quality management of tunnel construction.
A review on state-of-the-art of underground gas storage and causes of typical accidents   Collect
WANG Zhechao, LI Wei, LIU Jie, GUO Jiafan, ZHANG Yupeng
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 49-58.  
Abstract ( 740 )     PDF (6548KB) ( 1018 )  
Natural gas, as a clean energy, is one of the main energies fueling the green economic development of China. It is one of the main tasks to develop underground gas storage facilities so as to increase the natural gas storage capacity and to improve the quick access to large volume of natural gas during high demand periods. The state-of-the-art of the three principal types of underground gas storage, i.e., in depleted oil/gas fields, aquifers and salt caverns and the basic information on underground gas storage facilities used in USA and Europe were reviewed. The development of underground gas storage facilities in China was compared with that in other countries. Root causes for three typical accidents on three underground gas storage facilities were analyzed. The statistical results on the accidents on underground gas storage facilities documented in literature were summarized. The differences on the root causes of accidents on different types of underground gas storage facilities were analyzed. Some suggestions on the plan and construction of underground gas storage facilities in China were presented according to the experiences and lessons from the review on the development in other countries.
Accident analysis and management of metro safety   Collect
FU Helin, HUANG Zhen, WANG Hui, ZHANG Jiabing, SHI Yue
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 59-66.  
Abstract ( 786 )     PDF (12265KB) ( 140 )  
This study collected 243 metro safety incidents in 48 cities around the world. The statistical results showed that the number of metro safety accidents did not decrease with the development of society, and there was a positive correlation between the number of accidents and the number of people injured in the accidents. Interrupted train operation accidents were the main type of metro safety accidents, followed by fire accidents, train derailment, impact accidents, and terrorist attacks. As a major component of smart city development, metro safety management was an important part of the healthy development of large cities. The expansion of big data and the development of the IoT(Internet of Things)technology played an important role in the feasibility of smart metro safety management. In this study, the prospect of big data applications to smart metro safety management was described. A new development direction of smart metro safety management was discussed, and a system structure model of smart metro safety management was proposed. In the context of big data, this study provides a reference for researchers and industry to the research on and development of smart metro safety management in the future.
Experimental study on the rock mixed ground under disc cutter by linear cutting   Collect
GONG Qiuming, WU Fan, YIN Lijun
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 67-73.  
Abstract ( 607 )     PDF (6195KB) ( 424 )  
The mixed ground is inevitable during the construction of tunnel by TBM, and it has a great influence. The linear cutting tests were conducted by the mechanical rock fragmentation platform of Beijing University of Technology. The rock sample of the mixed ground were composed of sandstone and mudstone. In order to verify the rock fragmentation mechanism and efficiency under different penetration, the rock breaking phenomenon, the cutting force, the specific energy and the rock debris composition were analyzed during the tests. The main conclusions could be summarized as follows: there were huge differences of cutting forces between the two kinds of rock, and the differences increased rapidly with the increase of penetration. The debris of the sandstone mainly consisted of coarse breccia and small gravel, while the debris of mudstone were primarily composed of breccia. Therefore, the rock fragmentation of the rock mixed ground could be simplified as a combination of rock breaking of different kinds of rock, which offered some guidance for design and construction of TBM.
Research and application of comprehensive prevention and control method for water inrush in water enriched under-crossing river tunnel   Collect
XIAN Guo, SHI Shaoshuai, ZHAO Yong, XIAO Guangzhi, YU Yu, WANG Juntao, BU Lin
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 74-82.  
Abstract ( 566 )     PDF (10141KB) ( 108 )  
During the process of tunnel construction in karst area, accurate geological prediction and reasonable mitigation measures is the key to prevent water inrush disaster. Based on the research background of Yuelongmen tunnel of Chengdu to Lanzhou railway, the prediction methods for water inrush sources were introduced and the main problems 2019年 - 第1卷第2期鲜国,等:强富水隧道下穿河段突涌水灾害综合防控方法研究与应用 \=-for each method were summarized. The engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of Yuelongmen tunnel was analyzed, the tunnel induced polarization method was utilized to detect the three-dimensional position, and spatial distribution pattern of rich water area. Combined with target drilling and tunnel excavation, the prediction results were verified effectively. The continuous advanced peripheral grouting method was adopted for the treatment for the rich water area. The research results can be used as reference for similar projects.
Risk margin model of underground engineering based on possibility theory   Collect
RONG Xiaoli, WEN Zhu, HAO Yiqing, LU Hao, XIONG Ziming
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 83-91.  
Abstract ( 564 )     PDF (968KB) ( 334 )  
Underground engineering has complicated environment and unforeseen factors, so there are generally high risks. The traditional risk assessment method was mainly based on the loss theory of probability theory, which had limitations in practical projects. The essence of risk assessment was quantitative analysis and evaluation of uncertainty. The risk assessment of water inrush in the construction of karst tunnels in underground engineering as an example, and a risk margin model was conducted based on the possibility theory. It was found that under the condition of lack of information and people's cognitive differences, the margin model under the possibility theory was more in line with the actual situation of the project, which could provide quantitative basis for the decision-making and management of the project.
Analysis on lining structure safety of large hydraulic tunnel in deep-buried soft rock   Collect
LIU Ning, ZHANG Chunsheng, ZHANG Chuanqing, CHU Weijiang, CHEN Pingzhi
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 92-99.  
Abstract ( 564 )     PDF (11272KB) ( 107 )  
The chlorite schist in Jinping II hydropower station diversion tunnel is a typical engineering soft. The buried depth of chlorite schist is 1 700 m, and the water softening and long-term rheological properties are significant. A series of technical problems such as large extrusion deformation, collapse and rheological were encountered in the construction process. Based on lots of testing and monitoring data, the effect of chlorite schist mineral composition and mesoscopic structure characteristics on its macroscopic mechanical properties were revealed, and the relationship between the peak strength and confining pressure under dry and saturated conditions was clarified. The evolution of deformation over time was also given. Based on the mechanical characteristics of soft rock tunnel composite bearing structure, the impact of 2019年 - 第1卷第2期刘宁,等:深埋大直径软岩水工隧洞衬砌结构安全性分析 \=-water softening and rheological effect on the safety of lining structure were proposed. The mechanism between lining structure safety and lining timing under high in-situ stress soft rock environment was revealed.
Theoretical analysis of maximum exposure height of the backfill when mining underground adjacent stope   Collect
YAN Baoxu, ZHU Wancheng, HOU Chen
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 100-106.  
Abstract ( 566 )     PDF (3635KB) ( 434 )  
When mining adjacent stope, backfill is used to ensure the stability of the stope, and thus the remaining pillars can be safely carried out. In the process of pillar mining, it is important to avoid the excessive exposure height of backfill. Based on the stress distribution and arching effect in backfill, the minimum cohesion required for backfill to ensure the stope stability was obtained under certain height of the pillar excavation. And the maximum critical height of pillar excavation under certain cohesion was also obtained. The results showed that neglecting the influence of shear force between backfill and surrounding rock overestimates the stability of backfill; When the backfill had the same exposure height, the safety factor increases exponentially with the increase of cohesion of the backfill. With the increase of the one-time excavation height of the pillar, the safety factor was decreased by negative exponent, the larger the cohe- 2019年 - 第1卷第2期闫保旭,等: 地下采场二步采充填体最大暴露高度理论分析 \=-sion in the backfill was, the higher the rate decreased. And when the exposed height of backfill was enough larger, the failure of backfill was mainly caused by gravity.
Disturbance control technology for large diameter slurry shield crossing the sensitive zone without reinforcement conditions   Collect
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 107-113.  
Abstract ( 638 )     PDF (6026KB) ( 633 )  
With the rapid development of shield technology, more and more shield tunnels pass through sensitive environments. Due to the complicated construction conditions of shield tunnels, stratum disturbances will inevitably occur during the construction process, resulting in settlement on the surface and serious damage to surrounding buildings. Therefore, it is especially important to control the construction settlement effectively when the subway tunnel passes through settlement sensitive areas such as high-density shantytowns. The project of Wuhan Metro Line 8 project, Huangpu Road Station to Xujiapeng Station tunneling through high-density shantytown project was taken as the project support. The perturbation control technology of super-large diameter mudwater shield in the construction process was studied. On the basis of a brief analysis of the engineering background and the difficulties, the article optimizes the excavation parameters, including the pre-excavation building evaluation and the excavation process, so as to achieve the final adjustment of the cutting water pressure, the excavation speed and the cutter head torque during the construction process. The implementation of key technologies such as mud membrane control and secondary grouting ensured the smooth progress 2019年 - 第1卷第2期王焕: 大直径泥水盾构穿越无加固条件沉降敏感带扰动控制技术研究 \=-of excavation. The parameter control of excavation process provides reference and basis for analyzing the construction control of large-diameter shields under the old shantytown.
Settlement control method for shallow foundation tied arch bridge lying over earth-pressure balance shield construction   Collect
WEN Faqing
Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering. 2019, 1 (2): 114-123.  
Abstract ( 433 )     PDF (18150KB) ( 48 )  
The settlement of bridge abutment should be strictly controlled during the tunneling shield construction under the shallow foundation of tied arch bridges. To investigate the effect of static pressure injection method on the settlement control of bridge abutment, the tunneling shield models in a subway construction under shallow foundation of tied arch bridges was set up and the sequential excavation of the tunneling shields was simulated by FLAC3D. The numerical simulation results indicated that the settlement of bridge abutment would exceed the regulation requirement. Reinforced by the static pressure injection method, the bridge abutment was numerically simulated once again by adjusting relative parameters. The latter simulating results indicated the settlement of bridge abutment was well controlled. By monitoring the settlements of bridge abutment and deck in the construction, the numerical results were validated and the static pressure injection method was proved to be effective on settlement controlling of bridge abutment.
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Address: The Editorial Office of "Hazard Control in Tunneling and Underground Engineering" B733, Shandong University Central Campus, 27 Shanda South Road, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China: 250100 Tel: 0531-88366735 E-mail: tunnel@sdu.edu.cn
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