Experimental study on the mechanism of dewatering and rewatering for emergency response |
SUN Qihao1, SHU Jicheng2, FAN Sen1, LIU Xian1*
1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. China Railway 14th Corporation Mega Shield Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanjing 211800, Jiangsu, China |
Abstract Based on the self-designed reduced-scale model test device and model tunnels, the model test which simulated the emergency response process of dewatering and rewatering in different strata were carried out. Through the analysis of the flow field, earth stress field, displacement field, and velocity field of the eroded stratum, the mechanism of dewatering and rewatering in the emergency was studied. Through the study, it was pointed out that: the mechanism of dewatering and rewatering was to decrease the development speed of seepage erosion in the stratum by changing the parameters such as water height difference and seepage velocity in the process of seepage; in the process of dewatering and rewatering, after balancing the water height difference inside and outside the seepage point, the stratum could form a stable soil arch, and the soil arch would no longer be destabilized after weakening the seepage flow velocity;the permeability coefficient of silt layer was smaller than that of sand layer, and the change of groundwater pressure after dewatering and rewatering would have obvious delay phenomenon, thus the magnitude of dewatering and rewatering could be reasonably increased in the actual emergency rescue to speed up the response speed of measures.The conclusion of the study could provide theoretical reference and guidance for the on-site treatment of tunnel leakage.
Received: 06 July 2023
Published: 19 December 2023
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