Inducement and prevention technology of secondary disasters of water and mud inrush in tunnel |
HAO Junsuo1, LIU Junfeng1, LIU Hao1, ZHAO Mingfan2
1. China Railway 18th Bureau Group Second Engineering Co., Ltd., Tangshan 064000, Hebei, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China |
Abstract In order to explore the main influencing factors and control methods of secondary disasters of water and mud inrush in underground engineering, the prevention and control technology of secondary disasters of water and mud inrush was proposed by summarizing relevant cases since 2010 and the disaster-inducing environment and factors were summarized. Taking the secondary water and mud inrush of Shizishan Tunnel crossing FⅢ-71 fault in central Yunnan as an example, the causes of disasters in this geological section were explored, and the evolution process of secondary disasters was divided into three stages: gestation stage, latent stage and induction stage. The methods of improving the state of the external environment, blocking the evolution path of the disaster and increasing the bearing capacity of the anti-outburst layer were put forward to prevent the recurrence of water outburst and mud outburst, which provided experience guidance for the treatment of the secondary disaster of water outburst and mud outburst.
Received: 29 June 2023
Published: 19 December 2023
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