Experimental research on static response of ground penetrating ultra shallow-buried shield tunnel without working shaft
CHEN Fengjun1, ZONG Junliang2, WANG Qi3, YU Haitao3*
1. Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200080, China; 2. Shanghai Huangpu River Crossing Facility Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200003, China; 3. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract: A similar physical model test was established to study the static response of the ground penetrating shield technology(GPST)tunnel with multiple working conditions. Based on similitude ratio theory, the mechanical state of the prototype tunnel was reproduced by controlling the layered soil modulus and prototype field equivalent and ensuring the cross-sectional and longitudinal stiffness of the shield tunnel after assembling. The diameter distortion, joint deformation, and earth pressure of the model under gravity and overload were tested, therefore, the static response characteristics of the GPST tunnel were investigated. The results showed that with the increase of burial depth from -0.5D to 0.5D, the tunnel diameter deformation gradually changed from "vertical egg" to "horizontal egg", and reached the maximum value when the burial depth was -0.1D. Besides, the overall trend of the longitudinal joint opening was positively correlated with the diameter deformation, and the horizontal earth pressure of the structure could be approximated to triangular distribution.
陈峰军, 宗军良, 王祺, 禹海涛. 地面出入式超浅埋盾构隧道静力响应模型试验[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2022, 4(2): 66-72.
CHEN Fengjun, ZONG Junliang, WANG Qi, YU Haitao. Experimental research on static response of ground penetrating ultra shallow-buried shield tunnel without working shaft. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(2): 66-72.
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