Influence of deep excavation on adjacent existing shield tunnel: field measurement and analysis
MA Shaojun1, LI Xinjia2, WANG Qiaokan1, DING Zhi3
1. Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research, Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang, China;
2. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China;
3. Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015, Zhejiang, China
Abstract: Based on a large foundation pit excavation project directly above a shield tunnel in Hangzhou, the influence of gabled reinforcement and divisional and block excavation measures on tunnel deformation were analyzed from the perspective of measured data.To study the deformation characteristics of tunnel in the process of divisional and block excavation, the vertical deformation, horizontal deformation and convergence deformation of subway tunnel in each stage during foundation pit excavation were compared, combined with the deformation control value. The analysis results showed that the reinforcement of "door" triaxial mixing pile strengthened the anti-deformation ability of soil and effectively reduced the deformation influence of upper unloading on shield tunnel. The excavation method of divisional and block foundation pit made use of the time-space effect, which greatly reduced the uplift deformation of the tunnel in the process of foundation pit excavation and unloading. The influence of mixing pile construction on the convergence value of tunnel was much greater than that of foundation pit excavation. Light disturbance construction technology could be adopted for similar projects in the future.
马少俊, 李鑫家, 王乔坎, 丁智. 某深基坑开挖对邻近既有盾构隧道影响实测分析[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2022, 4(1): 86-94.
MA Shaojun, LI Xinjia, WANG Qiaokan, DING Zhi. Influence of deep excavation on adjacent existing shield tunnel: field measurement and analysis. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(1): 86-94.
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