The settlement law and construction control of railway hub traversed by a shield tunnel in soft ground
ZHAO Xuwei1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Traffic Tunnel Engineering of Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. China Railway Shanghai Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200070, China
Abstract: Jiaxing City's extraterritorial water distribution project(Hangzhou direction)long-distance shield tunneling underneath 2 roads of the Shanghai-Kunming railway Upstream Line, 17 roads and turnout area of Hangzhou North Depot, 11 roads of Departure Yard of Qiaosi Marshalling Stationas section road Interchange project. The stratum and engineering building environment are complex, and the deformation control requirements are very high. Based on this case, the method of field test and finite element simulation were used to discusse the railway deformation law and safety control measures in the process of shield tunneling through large railway hub. The results indicated that the numerical model results matched the monitoring data well, which calculated by Mohr-Coulomb model for deep buried tunnels in soft soil layer. It was recommended that the buried depth of the tunnel should not be less than 35 m when the shield passed through the turnout area; the analysis on the relationship between different loss ration and the maximum settlement of subsidence bed traversed by a shield tunnel revealed that the maximum settlement of the subsidence bed had a linear relationship with the formation loss. The recommended loss ratio of a shield tunnel passing through the turnout area should be no more than 0.3%.
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ZHAO Xuwei. The settlement law and construction control of railway hub traversed by a shield tunnel in soft ground. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(2): 59-65.
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