Abstract: A lateral loading model box was used to carry out model tests under two cases: the tunnel was located in loess(case 1)and penetrated by potential sliding surface in loess(case 2). The stress characteristics of tunnel lining in the process of slope deformation were studied, and the laws of slope deformation, pressure change of tunnel surrounding rock and lining moment change were analyzed. Results showed that the surrounding rock near the slope side of the tunnel lining was easy to form a void zone under the two cases. The maximum width of the void zone was about 1 cm in case 1 and close to 2 cm in case 2. The void zone in case 2 was much larger than that in case 1, with a relative increase of 100%; Compared with case 1, the peak value of lining bending moment in case 2 increased significantly, with a relative increase of 159.33%, and the maximum increase was located in the area near the side arch foot of the slope. The slide of the potential sliding surface in the slope significantly increased the possibility of tunnel lining damage.
李荣建, 李浩泽, 白维仕, 王磊, 张瑾. 潜在滑动面对隧道衬砌承载特性影响的模型试验研究[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2021, 3(4): 1-8.
LI Rongjian, LI Haoze, BAI Weishi, WANG Lei, ZHANG Jin. Model test study on influence of potential sliding surface on bearing characteristics of tunnel lining. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2021, 3(4): 1-8.
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