Model test on deformation of existing pipeline induced by joint leakage of shield tunnels
ZHANG Zhiguo1,2,3,4,5, CHENG Zhixiang1, CHEN Jie1, WU Zhongteng2,3, LI Yunzheng1
1. School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention of Hilly Mountains, Ministry of Natural Resources, Fuzhou 350116, Fujian, China; 3. Fujian Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention, Fuzhou 350116, Fujian, China; 4. North Sea Marine Forecast Center of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266061, Shandong, China; 5. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Environment and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Qingdao 266061, Shandong, China
Abstract: Based on the critical leakage width, a model test system of adjacent pipelines deformation induced by the joint leakage of shield tunnel was established, including the shield tunnel and pipeline model, simulation device of shield tunnel joint leakage, water level control system, and data acquisition system, the influences of the position, distribution and depth of the leakage on the deformation and settlement of the pipeline, the internal force of the pipeline and the pore water pressure of the soil around the leakage were studied. The results showed that with the increasing of the depth of the overburden soil, the vertical distance between the leak and the pipeline increased, and the water-rich sand layer would produce more soil and water pressure on the upper part of the support, and the settlement deformation and internal force of the pipeline would decrease under the condition of the same depth of overburden soil, the peak value of settlement and internal force of the pipeline decreased gradually as the position of the leakage seam deviated to the bottom of the arch, the corresponding position gradually moved away from the central axis of the tunnel, and the settlement deformation of the pipeline above the leakage seam side was obvious, the settlement deformation and internal force increase with the increased of the number of the single side leakage, the location of the new leakage was close to the arch crown under the condition of bilateral asymmetric leakage, the settlement deformation and internal force of the pipeline were obviously asymmetric with respect to the central axis of the tunnel. The monitoring value of pore water pressure could reasonably explain the distribution of seepage field around the leakage of shield tunnel. The closer to the leakage location was, the smaller the monitoring value of pore water pressure and the larger the dissipation value of pore water pressure was, water always flowed from a high to a low pore pressure position.
张治国, 程志翔, 陈杰, 吴钟腾, 李云正. 盾构隧道接缝渗漏水诱发既有管线变形模型试验[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2022, 4(3): 77-91.
ZHANG Zhiguo, CHENG Zhixiang, CHEN Jie, WU Zhongteng, LI Yunzheng. Model test on deformation of existing pipeline induced by joint leakage of shield tunnels. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2022, 4(3): 77-91.
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