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(1.中交一公局第四工程有限公司,广西 南宁 530031;2.重庆交通大学土木工程学院,重庆 400074)
Comparative study on the cooling effect of ice block and ventilation combination in high temperature tunnel construction
LIU Xiangyang1, LUO Bingbing2, WU Jing1, ZHANG Xuefu2, HUANG Yaoming1, LI Linjie2*
(1.The Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., of CCCC First Highway Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanning 530031, Guangxi, China;
2. School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
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摘要 为解决高地温施工隧道因高温引发的热害问题,以云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州建水(个旧)至元阳高速公路个旧至元阳段尼格隧道为依托,使用Fluent软件数值模拟通风和冰块降温下隧道温度场的变化规律进行对照分析,研究尼格隧道采用降温措施的效果。常见的拱顶压入式通风和侧壁通风不能将冰块冷却的空气很好的控制在掌子面附近,冷空气容易被回风带走,降低的温度不容易维持,而风幕通风则可以将冰块冷却的低温空气控制在掌子面附近,降温效果更好。本研究主要利用Fluent建立施工隧道通风模型,在风量一致的情况下,将两种通风方式加冰块的组合方式在不同通风风量下的降温效果进行对比分析,结果表明当围岩温度为45℃时,对于加以冰块辅助的两种通风降温方式,风幕通风方式比压入式通风对掌子面附近的温度多降低3~5℃,并且降温范围更广更稳定,降温效果更为显著。
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关键词:  施工隧道  通风降温  风幕通风  冰块降温  数值模拟    
Abstract: In order to solve the heat damage caused by high temperatures in construction tunnels at high temperatures, based on the construction of the Jianshui (Gejiu) to Yuanyang section of the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, the temperature field of the tunnel under ventilation and ice cooling was numerically simulated using CFD software to compare and analyze the effect of cooling measures on the Nige Tunnel. The common arch pressure ventilation and sidewall ventilation couldn't effectively control the air cooled by ice blocks near the palm surface. Cold air was easily carried away by the return air, making it difficult to maintain the lowered temperature. On the other hand, wind curtain ventilation could control the low-temperature air cooled by ice blocks near the palm surface, resulting in better cooling effects. This article mainly used Fluent to establish a ventilation model for construction tunnels. Under the same air volume, a comparative analysis was conducted on the cooling effects of two ventilation methods combined with ice blocks under different ventilation air volumes. The results showed that when the surrounding rock temperature was 45 ℃, for the two ventilation and cooling methods assisted by ice blocks, the wind curtain ventilation method reduced the temperature near the palm face by 3~5 ℃ more than the pressure ventilation method, And the cooling range was wider and more stable, with a more significant cooling effect.
Key words:  construction tunnel    ventilation cooling    wind curtain ventilation    ice cooling    numerical simulation
收稿日期:  2024-04-11      修回日期:  2024-05-30      发布日期:  2024-06-14     
中图分类号:  U4  
基金资助: 重庆市教委科学技术研究资助项目(KJZD-K202300713)
通讯作者:  李林杰(1986-),男,重庆人,副教授,硕导,博士,主要研究方向为地下建筑通风防灾。    E-mail:
作者简介:  刘向阳(1989-),男,湖南省邵阳人,高级工程师,主要研究方向为隧道及地下工程。
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