Abstract: There were many conflicts with existing traffic lines in the process of expansion. Taking the overburden capacity expansion of a highway tunnel in southeast China as an example, the influence of the newly increased overburden load on the safety of underpass tunnel structure was studied. The leachate level height and the physical and mechanical parameters of the overlying waste were obtained through experiments. The finite element models of different dangerous tunnel sections were established to analyze the structural deformation and internal force changes of the tunnel, and the vault settlement, bearing capacity and cracks were checked. The upper limit of the thickness of the overlying waste on each tunnel section during the subsequent expansion of the landfill was proposed. The results showed that the actual leachate level and the physical and mechanical parameters of the overlying waste had the most significant effects on the tunnel structure after the landfill expansion. Within the design range, the influence of the thickness of the overlying waste on the settlement and bearing capacity of the tunnel vault was not significant, and the cracks of the tunnel structure usually played a controlling role.
黄兴, 张炜, 殷建钢, 施皓, 张晓磊. 填埋场扩建后下穿隧道结构的安全性[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2023, 5(1): 55-63.
HUANG Xing, ZHANG Wei, YIN Jiangang, SHI Hao, ZHANG Xiaolei. The structural safety of the underpass tunnel after the expansion of landfill. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2023, 5(1): 55-63.
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