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隧道与地下工程灾害防治  2024, Vol. 6 Issue (2): 46-58    DOI: 10.19952/j.cnki.2096-5052.2024.02.05
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1. 广西大学土木建筑工程学院, 广西 南宁 530004;2. 广西大学特色金属材料与组合结构全寿命安全国家重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530004;3. 湖南交通职业技术学院建筑工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410132
The influence of intumescent fire-retardant coating on the fire resistance of assembled frame tunnel
HUANG Zhen1,2, YE Zhangqian1, ZHANG Jiawei1, PENG Zimao3, YAN Zhanshuo1
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Life-Cycle Safety of Characteristic Metal Materials and Composite Structures, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China;
3. Architectural Engineering Institute, Hunan Communication Polytechnic, Changsha 410132, Hunan, China
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摘要 为评估防火涂料对装配式框架隧道耐火性的影响,通过火灾试验分析涂有膨胀型防火涂料的隧道接头构件的温度场分布规律,并采用有限元数值模拟方法研究火灾下防火涂料对装配式框架隧道温度、变形、损伤的影响。研究结果表明:防火涂料阻碍热量向隧道衬砌传递,大幅降低隧道衬砌的温度峰值,延迟温度峰值产生的时间;防火涂料厚度影响隧道衬砌在火灾下的升温速率与温度峰值,当膨胀型防火涂料厚度大于10 mm,增加防火涂料的厚度不能有效降低隧道在火灾下的变形;火灾下装配式框架隧道最大变形处为顶板跨中位置,损伤最严重处为隧道接头位置,可间接通过优化接头结构受力性能来提升装配式框架隧道的耐火性。
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关键词:  隧道工程  装配式隧道  防火涂料  火灾试验  热力耦合    
Abstract: To evaluate the influence of fire-retardant coating on the fire resistance of assembled frame tunnel, the temperature field distribution law of tunnel joint components coated with intumescent fire-retardant coating was analyzed by fire test, and the influence of fire-retardant coating on the temperature, deformation and damage of assembled frame tunnel under fire was studied by finite element numerical simulation. The results showed that the fire-retardant coating hindered the heat transfer to the tunnel lining, greatly reduced the temperature peak of the tunnel lining, and delayed the time of the temperature peak. The thickness of fire-retardant coating affected the heating rate and temperature peak of tunnel lining under fire, but when the thickness of the intumescent fire-retardant coating was greater than 10 mm, changing the thickness of fire-retardant coating couldn't effectively reduce the deformation of tunnel under fire. The maximum deformation of the prefabricated frame tunnel under fire was the mid-span position of the roof, and the most serious damage was the position of the tunnel joint, which could indirectly improve the fire resistance of the prefabricated frame tunnel by optimizing the mechanical performance of the joint structure.
Key words:  tunnel engineering    fabricated tunnel    fire-retardant coating    fire test    thermo-mechanical couplingReceived:2023-09-22    Revised:2023-12-08    Accepted:2023-12-11    Published:2024-06-20
发布日期:  2024-06-28     
中图分类号:  U45  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52208388);广西科技基地和人才专项基金资助项目(桂科AD21220039);湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(2022JJ60055);湖南省交通运输厅科技进步与创新计划资助项目(202147)
作者简介:  黄震(1989— ),男,湖南长沙人,副教授,博士生导师,博士,主要研究方向为隧道结构减灾机理及防控策略.
黄震,叶张骞,张嘉伟,彭子茂,严展硕. 膨胀型防火涂料对装配式框架隧道耐火性影响[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2024, 6(2): 46-58.
HUANG Zhen, YE Zhangqian, ZHANG Jiawei, PENG Zimao, YAN Zhanshuo. The influence of intumescent fire-retardant coating on the fire resistance of assembled frame tunnel. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2024, 6(2): 46-58.
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