Abstract: On the basis of theoretical analysis in the framework of specific energy, the main factors of such an interaction were summarized as: the size and the spacing distance of cutters, mechanical properties of stratum, and penetration. A method for design of scaled model tests of tunneling process, by means of shield boring machines, was proposed. The diameter of cutterhead was reduced, while the size and the spacing distance of cutters, the stratum, and the penetration were kept as the same as they were on site. Such a method was applied to a model test of the tunneling of the Cancer Hospital Metro Station of Shenzhen Line 14. This station was the first application of a new construction method which was characterized by that the station was firstly excavated by a small shield boring machine and then re-excavated by a larger one. The results of the model test allowed for predictions of the axial forces and the torque moments of the prototype cutterhead. The predicted values agree well with the monitored ones on site. This underlines the reliability of the proposed method for design of the model test. The originality of this work was highlighted by the quantitative relations between the quantities of the model and the prototype shield boring machines, which provides a reliable method for design of a model test of tunneling by means of shield boring machines.
张姣龙, 高一民, 张建, 周浩, 潘野, 柯磊, 柳献. 一种模拟盾构刀盘破岩过程的模型试验设计原理和方法[J]. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治, 2021, 3(4): 20-28.
ZHANG Jiaolong, GAO Yimin, ZHANG Jian, ZHOU Hao, PAN Ye, KE Lei, LIU Xian. Theory and method for design of model tests of rock fragmentation processes by using shield boring machines. Hazard Control in Tunnelling and Underground Engineering, 2021, 3(4): 20-28.
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