Analysis of grouting treatment for convergence deformation of metro tunnel based on discrete element pore density flow method
ZHANG Hongyong1, ZHANG Yanjie2, LIU Chun1*, SHI Bin1, CAO Zheng2
1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China; 2. School of Engineering, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430000, Hubei, China
Abstract: To simulate the effect of grouting to control large lateral deformation and its mechanism analysis, the discrete element pore density flow method was proposed. Through the improvement of the discrete element software MatDEM, the numerical simulation of the fluid-solid coupling process of tunnel grouting was realized. Based on the instance data of the Shanghai Tunnel Project, the discrete element analysis of tunnel grouting under sudden load was carried out. The numerical simulation of the tunnel lateral convergence value was very close to the test result. Numerical analysis showed that as the sudden load increased, the horizontal convergence of the tunnel showed a nonlinear growth trend; the pore density flow method was used to analyze the recovery effect of grouting on the transverse deformation of the tunnel. The results showed that with the sudden load and grouting as the distance increased, the influence of grouting on the recovery percentage of the tunnel lateral convergence decreased nonlinearly. This method can be further applied to the numerical analysis and mechanism research of tunnel grouting under complex conditions.
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